The story begins December 1995...

I was born and raised in a city called Plymouth, in the south west of the United Kingdom. Throughout my childhood, I spent a great deal of my days either outside playing or being creative with paints, glues, and cardboard. Inspired by much of the media that I consumed as a child, my imagination grew to encompass massive battles with Lego figures or small narratives that I would draw into my own comics. My imagination has stuck with me as I have grown up, and is what has driven me to becoming a software/games developer. Now as an adult, I am able to turn many of my childhood and older ideas into a reality.

In 2017 I completed my BSc (Hons) degree in Computing and Games Development at University of Plymouth. Myself and 2 other classmates decided that we wanted to improve and release a game that we had worked on during one of our courses, and this led to us starting the company "TotalDistraction". 2 years later, 1 released game, and many challanges and lessons learned we decided to part ways. In 2019, I joined one of the fastest growing companies in the UK, The Range Ltd, as a software developer.

Megaton: Total Destruction Game Title
Dungeons & Dragons setup
Personally painted model for Star Wars: Legion tabletop
Personally painted model for Warhammer 40K
My dog, Marvel

The present day...

Even as an adult, in my spare time I still like to use my imagination. Instead of drawing my own comics I am creating a world for a home Dungeons and Dragons campaign for my friends as the Dungeon Master, or I am painting models for miniature tabletop games, and board games. To compliment playing tabletop games I have also a couple of 3d printers which I utilise for making props and models, and I have also design and model my own props for tabletop games.

When I'm not working or spending time on my gaming hobbies, I'm spending time with my fiancé and looking after our energtic and loving 2 and half year Rhodesian Ridgeback cross German Shepherd, Marvel.

Below are some links to Reddit and Cults3D, where I often post about much of my gaming-related hobby posts.

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